Sunday, February 11, 2007

Get Out Your Box!

One big advantage with the new photo scanners is they will take 120 roll films and sheet film.
I got my self a new scanner two weeks ago so I can now scan all the film formats I use, this is good news as I will use my TLR's and Box cameras more.
I took this shot last year with a Zeiss Ikon Box Tengor, this is the Rolls Royce of box cameras, its a joy to use. I have some 50asa 120 slide film I might run a roll through the Tengor and see what happens.
Follow this link to read more about the Box Tengor
Zeiss Ikon Box Tengor. Lucky SHD 100 Dev Agfa Rodinal?? or Ilford ID11. This film curls like mad!!!


Anonymous said...

This is a beautiful image. Was it made with a tripod? Also, when you use the closeup lenses are the images blurry?

Charlie Wood said...

This shot was taken hand held.
I have not used the two close up lenses for this camera, I should use this camera more though.
