This group of pictures was shot with a film I had not used before, Kodak Tri-X, I really like the look you get from this film. I developed this roll of film in Agfa Rodinal 50:1 for 13 mins. All Pictures taken with my Nikon F2

A collection of monochrome & colour photographs taken on my travels around the UK. There are some colour slides here and there and some Kodachrome's to come..... All images ©Charlie Wood 2006-2007
Hi Charlie, surprised you've not been in 'Beyond Words' its right next dooe to 'Mama said' - always worth checking out their table of remaindered books.
re. film and developer, I've been using Tmax 400 with Paterson Aculux 2 for this last year or so, before that it was Tri-X or HP5 in the same developer - I've found there's not that much difference between the films. Keep em coming!
Alan If you could suggest some recomended reading On film development I would be greatfull
I shall be heading up to Courburn street in about 4 weeks.
Well well T-Max 400 many photogrophers do not like the tabular grain films.
Your most recent photographs I really like.
I have only ever used T-Max 400 in 120 format and that was to test an old TLR of mine.
I like Tri-X I am trying different developers with this film. So far its been Rodinal and D76 & ID11
I have never used Paterson chemistry, I looked up Aculux 2 today Very handy looking developer as it will work on all film types yeild fine grain and a full range of tones. I think I will give this a go with Delta 400 or use FX39 with this film.
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