This group of pictures was shot with a film I had not used before, Kodak Tri-X, I really like the look you get from this film. I developed this roll of film in Agfa Rodinal 50:1 for 13 mins. All Pictures taken with my Nikon F2

A collection of monochrome & colour photographs taken on my travels around the UK. There are some colour slides here and there and some Kodachrome's to come..... All images ©Charlie Wood 2006-2007
Windmill in Boston Taken from Horncastle Road.
I took these pictures to test my Nikon F2.
I used a red filter in these shots. I was also experementing with Ilford FP4 The preveious Roll of film I had Developed resulted in over development and high contrast. These 3 pictures are all developed in Agfa Rodinal 50:1 and have turned out well.