Canon F1 (Late Model) Sigma 28-85 zoom Film Fomapan 100 Dev Kodak Microdol-X STOCK 13mins
A collection of monochrome & colour photographs taken on my travels around the UK. There are some colour slides here and there and some Kodachrome's to come..... All images ©Charlie Wood 2006-2007
Another wander round the Antique & Curiosity shops of Horncastle. Last time I was using a 125asa film and a Leica IIC, this camera does not have a slow speed dial so the slowest shutter speed is 1/30. This time I was using a Leica IIIF which has the slow speed dial. A 400asa film helps to although all the indoor shots are at 1/4 second.
Leica IIIF + 5cm f3.5 elmar. Agfa APX400 (old) Dev Paterson Aculux 2 14 mins at 20c