A collection of monochrome & colour photographs taken on my travels around the UK. There are some colour slides here and there and some Kodachrome's to come..... All images ©Charlie Wood 2006-2007
I took this shot in the early summer when repairs were being made to the sluce gates at sluce Bridge in Boston. This is the only time I have ever seen the river completly dry.
Canon T70 Canon 28mm/f2.8. Ilford FP4 +Ilford ID11 Stock
9 cm Elmar
Couple of shots here from Boston , I was Testing a couple of new lenses and using Ilford pan F+
The Lenses are Leitz Elmar' s One is a coated 5cm f3.5 Elmar manufactured just after WWII and the other is a 9cm f4 Elmar manufatured just before WWII. In short they are good.
Both shots have been taken with a Leitz Yellow #1 filter Exopsure for the First shot is 1/100 @f8 the second shot using the 9cm lens is at 1/200 @f 5.6
There is a similar shot taken using Ilford FP4 in the June archive of this blog you can compare the Elmar to a 1970'S 50mm F2 Nikkor link is below.
Leica IIC Leitz Elmar 5cm f 3.5 & Leitz Elmar 9cm f 4 Film Ilford Panf+ Dev Agfa Rodinal 1-25