Some People raising money for children in need at the weekend.
Nikon FE Nikkor 50mm f 1.8 Agfa Apx 100 Dev> Tetenal Neofin Blue
A collection of monochrome & colour photographs taken on my travels around the UK. There are some colour slides here and there and some Kodachrome's to come..... All images ©Charlie Wood 2006-2007
Nikon FM3A 28mm f3.5 nikkor Agfapan 400 / Dev Aculux2
One Man And His Dog
Smugglers Den
Bowling Green
Canon A1 28mm F2.8 Kodak Tri-X 400 Developed in Agfa Rodinal 25-1
The Tri-X Rodinal combination in this light gives high contrast good sharpness and very nice grain. Tri-X is one of my favourite B&W films.
18mm Under A Bridge
A Rather Gloomy day in Lincoln had to push my film to 800 asa in order to get usable shutter speeds.
Nikon FM3A Nikkor 28mm/3.5 & Nikkor 18mm/4.0 Ilford Delta 400 Ei800 Dev Ilford DDX 10.5 mins.